Here's a much easier way to browse them: It's a brilliant advertisement, to be sure; I think that most people just see things like that as done strictly out of the goodness of people's hearts, and while that may often be true, I usually am inclined to believe the more self-serving aspect of it. I don't know anything about the author. It seems the main site is down, but you can get them directly from GitHub: His site hasn't been updated for 4 years. famfamfam silk icons

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I have done almost no icon design since this set was released; The icons have garnered me some personal infamy, and I make a little from text link ads, but I would kill the site if not for the fact that people still appear to find the icons useful and reliable.

I had been using these, but neither set is as comprehensive as Silk: All I ask is that you include a link back to this page in your credits although a giant link on every page of your website really isn't needed, contact me to discuss specifics.

This means you may use it for any purpose, and make any changes you like.

Donate People have expressed a wish to donate a little money. The set was started because I could not find a good icon set to use in a system I was famfammfam.

Famfamfam Silk icons – the great mini icons for web developer

THe Silk, FamFamFam set are easily reconizable which might be the perfect reason to use them from a usability perspective.

Containing a large variety of icons, you're sure to find something that tickles your fancy. Silk is a good set, but it's true that it's very easy to recognize in the wild. Kcons an author, I would appreciate a reference to my authorship of the Silk icon set contents within a readme file or equivalent documentation for the software which includes the set or a subset of the icons contained within.

You can't say fairer than that. For personal work, I use the fugue set linked previously.

They're like the Comic Sans or Papyrus of icons. Almost identical to the this icon set is the Farm-Fresh Web Icons which also includes 32x32 versions and icons http: I think it's a good stopgap before you pick something less-used, but if you kcons your web app to have a voice and a point of view from a design standpoint, it's better to go custom. I meant it jokingly. I don't know anything about the author.

famfamfam silk icons

Here's a much easier way to browse them: What better way to show your skills to people who would contract you than to point at something as popular as his icon set? People have expressed a wish to donate a little money. You could, I suppose, contract the author of the silk zilk for the icon you want.

famfamfam silk icons

Do you use this set? Silk has been great but sometimes the icon I want just isn't there. That's an even bigger set. Also recently came across the excellent Ramfamfam Fugue set. Like another commenter said, if you're looking for some less-used icons, try these two free sets: It seems the main site is down, but you can get them directly from GitHub: Hacker News new past comments ask show jobs submit.

Grails Plugin: Silk icons from

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 2. Someone also tried to expand the set, sili hosted it here: Been using it for years and haven't found anything more versatile.

There are too many sites ions developers put the icons without text labels and I find myself mousing over hoping for a tooltop while trying to stare at a 16x16 icon to figure out what it is I wish I had been foresighted enough to realise that the icons were more than the occasionally useful result of a period of insomnia. Ubiquitous and overused but still a dependable choice. JeffJenkins on Mar 13, Wow. A more suitable comparison icos be to something like Helvetica or Times New Roman.

I think that's pretty misleading comparing Silk to Comic Sans.

famfamfam silk icons


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